of President Bush's immigration speech last night.
"Right Wing News (John Hawkins) Questions Not Answered By Bush's Illegal Immigration Speech — 'However, there are a lot of very important questions that no one in the Bush Administration, no one in the Senate, and no pro-illegal pundit seems to be able to deal with in a straightforward and honest manner.
Consider these questions….'
The Jawa Report (Mike Pechar) Bush Speech - Calling A Spade A Spork — 'Now, President Bush proposes to pardon millions of illegal aliens and implement a citizenship program and somehow not call it 'amnesty.' Instead, it's 'rational middle ground.' Despite President Bush mouthing 'rational middle ground,' I suspect that millions of people south of the border heard 'amnesty.' They are likely packing now.'
In the Bullpen (Chad Evans) Twelve Million People Laugh at Bush all at Once — 'This must be a joke, right? It’s pretty clear the rule of law doesn’t actually matter to those who want to enter this nation, so why would they actually leave this nation when their permit ended?'
Blogs for Bush (Mark Noonan) The President's Immigration Speech — 'At the end of the day, the President rejects both amnesty and 'know-nothingism' - his plan is the right plan in all respects, and we'll now see whether or not the rest of our political class has the courage, generosity and simple human decency"
bRight & Early: